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Sculptra is an FDA-approved dermal filler that helps gradually stimulate collagen production to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the face. Collagen is the most common protein in the body that is used in the body’s framework to support cells and tissue. Results can last up to two years.
New Skin & Body
Sculptra addresses the underlying cause of aging in the face, not just the visible signs. Though creams and supplements may provide some benefit, they aren’t as effective as a collagen-based filler.
Collagen creams are unable to reach the dermis, making most topical treatments ineffective. They may briefly improve skin appearance, just as a moisturizer, but won’t deliver lasting benefit.
Collagen supplements are broken down in the digestive system and their effectiveness remains inconclusive.
Toxins found in fillers like Botox temporarily paralyze muscles to minimize the appearance of frown lines in the forehead, with results lasting a few months. Other fillers fill in lines, wrinkles, and folds by adding volume.
As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra supports the restoration of the underlying structure of the skin at a deep level to minimize the formation of facial wrinkles.
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is sculptra right for everyone?
Sculptra is not recommended for patients with severe allergies and a history of anaphylaxis. The filler is also not recommended for patients with a history or presence of multiple severe allergies. Sculptra should not be used in patients with a known history of or increased risk of keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring. Patients with a history of allergies to lidocaine or other amide type local anesthetics should not receive Sculptra.
what happens during treatment?
Over time, collagen production in the body naturally decreases. Exposure to sunlight also decreases collagen production. Wrinkles are an early indication of reduced collagen production. Sculptra is injected deep into the skin and initially works by filling a wrinkle with small PLLA beads.
As the beads biodegrade, the body may produce new collagen in the treatment area. Sculptra is typically administered in a grid pattern using a fine needle. Patients receive multiple injections in a grid pattern to correct a wrinkle at the nasolabial fold or other facial wrinkles, where necessary. The specialist will determine where to inject the filler to deliver the best possible results. The number of injections and appointments a patient will need will vary depending on their age and other factors. Typically, patients will need three treatments over the course of a few months.
are there side effects?
Treatment with Sculptra is very safe and only causes mild side effects; these may include redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, and bruising. Side effects typically subside within one to two weeks.
Sculptra is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid. This substance is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body and stimulates renewed collagen production throughout treatment.
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