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Let’s Talk About Feminine Rejuvenation

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Feminine rejuvenation is a treatment that can help reduce, reshape, or tighten female genital tissues to help restore a firmer tone, create a more youthful appearance, and correct asymmetry. The treatment is commonly chosen for cosmetic and physical health reasons; patients may want to improve comfort and address issues caused by vaginal tissue laxity, such as painful intercourse or stress urinary incontinence.

Who Needs Feminine Rejuvenation?

Aging, childbearing, and fluctuating hormones can affect female genital tissues, leading to reduced quality of life for women. Feminine rejuvenation procedures can help address these issues by restoring tone and tightness to vulvovaginal tissues.

The Benefits of Feminine Rejuvenation

Over time, the labia can start to sag and become overly large or misshapen, leading to discomfort when wearing certain clothing and exercising. Women may also experience urinary leakage, vaginal dryness, and even painful or dissatisfying sexual intercourse after giving birth or going through menopause. These concerns can have a negative impact on a woman’s self-confidence.


Non-surgical feminine rejuvenation can help restore proper tone and appearance to the vagina and labia. When performed by an experienced, board certified cosmetic surgeon, feminine rejuvenation can:

  • Help improve comfort when wearing tight clothing and swimsuits
  • Reduce or eliminate stress urinary incontinence
  • Address vaginal dryness
  • Improve sensation during sex for a patient and her partner
  • Improve the cosmetic appearance of the genitals

The Technology

New Skin & Body uses the BTL ULTRA Femme 360, a safe and effective non-surgical alternative to vaginoplasty and labiaplasty procedures, to perform feminine rejuvenation. ULTRA Femme offers labial remodeling (labia reduction) and vaginal tightening with a single device. Treatment will also stimulate collagen production and enhance blood flow.

The BTL Ultra Femme 360 device uses two different hand pieces to perform feminine rejuvenation. The first handpiece treats the external genitalia, including the entire vulva and perineum. The second handpiece treats the vagina, or internal tissues of the female genitalia. The surgeon gently inserts the device into the vagina and uses a water-based gel lubricant to heat the vaginal introitus and canal. Treatment helps stimulate the vaginal mucosa and local circulation, promoting tissue regeneration.


Feminine rejuvenation performed by the ULTRA Femme 360 device:

  • Tightens the labia
  • Decreases the size of the introitus (vaginal opening) and the vaginal canal
  • Improves natural lubrication
  • Improves sensation
  • Alleviates stress incontinence

Treatment with the ULTRA Femme 360 is painless with a warm heat sensation. Patients won’t need anesthesia or any downtime.

How to Choose The Right Cosmetic Surgeon

An experienced cosmetic surgeon has the knowledge and skills necessary to personalize treatment according to the patient’s unique condition and needs. Patients should choose a cosmetic surgeon they feel comfortable with and take the time to ask questions about the procedure, including the benefits, risks, and recovery process.

Feminine rejuvenation requires special training and should only be performed by a licensed healthcare professional. Before scheduling treatment, take the time to learn about the surgeon’s medical education, training, and areas of expertise.


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